All About Me and My Adventures, Trials, Tribulations & Travels ... Fine Art, Design, Photography and Lettering Arts
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Home Sweet Home
Home again...feels good. Three months is a long time. New habits formed, all good ones...wink, wink. Have not finished unpacking yet, and also trying to decide where to put things, where in this little house can I put up my easel and set up my pallette. I will be painting more plein-air this year, since I have had to give up my studio @ Shady Lea Mills. I have to remember that "Everything is temporary". Had Aja do my nails today, visited my friend Mary (85yrs old), picked up my car, a log for the wood stove, a tuna sandwich, life is good, watch a movie, cup of tea, and call it a day, I have got to slow down...hee hee
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Last Days
Open Studios today was really great!! We started at Diane's casita, and she read from her book she is writing about "co-housing" and the functions, characters, and personalities that make up living in communal situations. Next was Hans, he is a very well-known poet in Germany, he read three poems, one he explained it in English then read it in German, and another one in german explaining that a poem is like music, even though we don't understand the words, we listen and interpret it a the most sensitive of ways. Then my favorite poem he wrote in his own language, a made up a language about love, just an amazing man and his wife Christine, who was with me last year at the colony as well, showed some new work inspired by the situations she encounters here in Costa Rica, for instance, she ha
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The 1st horse parade (Topas) today in Cuidad Colon (a short walk to town) was spectacular. I have never seen so many horses. Prancing, and decorated with their proud owners riding them in their cowboy hats, boots, spurs, tight pants, beers and cigars. Horses of every color, spotted gray, shiny black, beached white, silver haired, braised tails and flowing manes, ribbons, adornments, beautiful statuesque and romantic. The colors in the traditional dance troupe was vibrant and you could not help but move in place to the musica.
Pura Vida
Lady of Lourdes, she tells of the vision and the
pilgrimages every February to her grotto.
The weeks are flying by. I leave for home in a week. I really loved showing Carol, Lorraine and Bill Costa Rica. We have had some adventures we will never forget.pilgrimages every February to her grotto.
Day tripping, bird watching, friendly taxi drivers, costa rican foods, art exhibits, the dogs of the colony, meeting artists from all over the world, coffee plantations, bananas, mandarins, pineapples, butterflies, heleconias, ginger, strangling fig trees, playa Montezuma, Orosi Valley, rain, boas, painting, drawing, hot springs, studio tours, San Jose, mountains, hills, waterfalls, earthquake 1-08-09, rides in the pick-up, horse parades, open market, cilantro, papayas, rivers, monkeys, green, focaccia, flat tires, lost, churches, Lourdes walk, stories of strength, mot-mots, drums, bread with cheese, hamburgers, avocados, bamboo, wind, sunsets, margaritas, days without running water, days with out electricity, days without the internet, jungle walks, spanish lessons, bird sounds, crocodiles, sarongs, black sandy beaches, volcanos, rainforests, movies online, rainbows, orchids, finding beauty in all things.
Ladies who walked to Lourdes with a gentleman, Bill, who took the picture.
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