Praying Mantis Visit
The other night a praying mantis was climbing on the outside of my door. I swished it off as I opened it and it dissappeared. Then Holly came to me in the morning and said, if I wanted to take a picture of it, it was on the porch below me, so I did, they didn't come out very good, then that day it came back to me, stayed with me all day & night on my window inside my studio. So I thought maybe its a symbol and I found this meaning, "Follow Mantis" means putting that core aspect of yourself, your foundation of Spirit, at the helm and let it direct your intellect and ultimately your life. Something to ponder today, this morning it is not on my window anymore, it is somewhere in the studio. I hope it doesn't eat me up!
We had a Friday night dinner instead of Wednesday night and Francisco introduced us to the new director Bernarda, my spanish teacher. She is a great choice and so glad she accepted the position, she is Costa Rican, knows what to see here and how to get the arrangements made, a Spanish teacher, kind and pays attention to detail