All About Me and My Adventures, Trials, Tribulations & Travels ... Fine Art, Design, Photography and Lettering Arts

Monday, December 12, 2011

Pedro & Bella Dona

It rained today, off and on, and I have this stupid cough. I slept really late this morning, felt so groggy rest of day. but, in- between raindrops I went for a short walk, to see what kind of "stuff" I could find like sticks, stones, flowers, ya know ....stuff......Carlos was just finishing up a chore with a refrigerator in one of the studios, so I practiced Spanish with him....anyway, walking along with him, he leans down and pokes a stick in a hole and calling "Pedro, Pedro".........I'm going.....huh? There is crab living in a hole by the steps, in water from a drainage pipe, the crab kept reaching out for him and the stick...couldn't believe it! No kidding. Pedro, the land crab.

Christmas Festival of Lights was Saturday night in San Jose, it was awesome, lots of pagentry and fireworks, I love fireworks...train ride this Wednesday up north on a day trip...working on a large painting of a flowering tree. I will show progress....time for bed...I have got to slow's just because I don't feel good and it's raining and I want to curl up and read...poor me.

Drawing, planning composition, color choices

Some color harmony, yellow green, salmon and determining shapes.