Another adventure up in the forest behind the colony, I had never been on such an extensive walk up there, just on the driveway up there, but today Carlos took Christina and I up there, Talia joined us, colony dog, the cutest cocker spaniel in Costa Rica who eats geckos. Yes... we followed a way up to the very top of the mountain where there is some condos being built, but when we reached the top it was spectacular, the wind was blowing. I was trying to take pictures and felt I was going to be blown off the mountain, so I sat down and took mucho pictures 360 degrees. And then I turned my head and a field of calendular in front of me, orange flowers, just a dream of a picturesque landscape. Unbelievable, really, so much to discover here just around the corner. It is always changing, walking up there is a different scene everyday, flowers, bananas, trees, & the butterflies up there, I saw a gigantic black butterfly today, it must have been as big as my head. My white pants got covered with little sticky seeds and thorns I needed to use a brush to get all the briars off. We will see if they will ever be clean again. I got spooked by an iguana up there too and the walk to town later on, we found a pequeno dead flattened lizard on the road, and Christina had the taxi stop so she could take it back to studio on the way home when we had too many bags of groceries to walk back with. I don't know what she is going to do with it, but I will give a full report when I find out.
Susan left for the pacific beach this morning by herself, we miss her already, she gave me some potion before she left that she bought for me, for my arthritis in my hands, you rub it on actual affected areas. She bought it from the "soap lady" at the open market, who also makes soap, go figure. Down here there are all kinds of remedies for things, all natural of course, and Christina is just as knowledgeble in this area of homepathic substances. This morning she was asking Carlos how to get Bushmaster, snake venom. I will get a full report on that too. TTYL