The "bitch" trip...that it how I hear the CR's say beach...This is the group that went to Puntarenas last weekend, it was fun, we got lost and this was the only restaurnat/bar for miles, and right after this we got a flat tire. David (far right)and some wonderful Costa Ricans helped put the spare on the van. No problemo!
What will I do today? It is quieter here in Colon on Sundays, no traffic sounds, no bad muffler noises, oops I here I motorcycle, there is a new highway that is open now to the pacific "bitches" so less traffic going thru Colon. I hear it has cut the hours down in half. Yippee. Bernarda just called me on her cell phone from Panama border, they are on vacation and they wished I was with them, I should've really gone with them. mmm she says next year they are going to Nicaragua, and I should go with them. I think I would like that.
So what to do today, I have paintings to finish, but I love starting new ones. The pool has finally got water in it again after it had been cleaned and the water filled in after a week. I went in yesterday up to my thighs. Beautiful breezes this morning, writing this in my online journal. Went dancing again last is just as fun to watch the men & women dance here, salsa, merenque, romantica. New artists coming in today, artists leaving one by one. Made myself a frittata, maybe that is not what you call here in Costa Rica, ran out of milk for my coffee, yuck. That is what I will do this morning, go and get milk, yes, ok then paint, then go in pool, then who knows what opportunity will come forth. I know this all sounds so trivial, right now that is the way it is. Lots of tasks, issues and problems back in RI I will face soon enough.