Walks on the property in the morning is refreshing, listening to grapefruits, oranges and tangerines drop as they ripen and fall from the nearby trees. The bamboo singing and insects calling. The tangerines, sweet and wonderful, but have to be eaten right away, otherwise they sour. Luis (pictured above) taking a break from some renovations here on property, I was on the way to the Bonanza Restaurante for lunch yesterday which is next door to the colony, there is a secret path to it in the forest. Real secret, sign to it and all. But, it's really a path just for the colony guests to get too. I remember the sunsets sipping mojitos there last year. Lunch was delicious today, just some nachos piled high with diced tomatoes, guacamole, sour cream and beans...mmmm. I walked over with Susan, she is working there temporarily filling in for Amber (waitress), who had a baby girl on Tuesday, Nina is her name.
I had been wondering why my phone was not working in the studio. All the buttons were in the right setting. Kept testing it and no ring, but could make a call out "mmm" I said. I finally realized it was not a bug or bird that was chirping, it was my phone ringing. Never heard a phone chirp before. Kind of a good idea actually, not so abtrusive. I saw this bug on the screen window the other day when I heard the chirp, so I thought it was the big green bug, but then when it chirped again the day after there was no bug on the screen, very smart conclusion I know.
Dinner was delightful and full of chit chat, Nancy artist, (Boston), Josh, (Amhearst, MA), Michael (Berkley, CA), Ish (?) musician, Susan (Canada) artist, musician. Fransico (owner) made tilapia fish, mashed potatoes, broccolli, salad. It was at Fransicos house which is built on a really steep hill, I get out of breathe just walking up to door, beautiful deck with view of Cuidad Colon valley, The large whole living room opens up to, I will take pictures next Wednesday night dinner. He speaks a little english with spanish, it his own language, funny, crazy driver, says he was a famous soccer player for CR.
I think I have to write at end of day, because I forget what I did the day before if I wait.Bear with me, I amjust writing like I am talking to myself.
The perception of light is the loveliest thing in the world.