Well this week has been a whirl wind of events. Sorry I have been quilty of ignoring my blog, without my camera, I have been kind of lost. Its hard for me to tell a story with out my camera shooting every moment. Like another pair of eyes and another arm.
I have met some wonderful people here at the colony and outside the colony. Gerry has let me borrow her camera for the remainder of my stay here, she is back home in RI and I will get it back to her when I return....she is a doll.....while working on a painting in the next city with Carol, a woman came over to us and talked to us about her artwork in Spanish, which was difficult, but we got through it and later she brought over two pieces of cake for us. On Friday, Carol & I rented a car went to the Orosi Valley again only about 30 miles away, but it took us about 3 hours to get there, there are no signs, and many one way and dead end streets, anyway on the way home we had a flat tire and a young man and his girlfriend stopped to change it for us and would not take any money for helping us.....and let us follow him out of the city because we were lost again. We cried all the way home, I cried more, I am such a wimp. Anyway, everyone has been so hospitable and kind, not to mention the breathtaking views of the countryside of mountains, steep hills, farms, flowers and birds, and oh yea snakes! Yikes....Carol and I saw a boa constrictor crossing the street, thank goodness we were in the car. We screamed until it finished crossing, and took picture of it. But I can not bring myself to put it online yet. Hector, and artist from NY, is having a show at the museum next year in San Jose, and has talked to the director about my work as well, and maybe showing together, so I have a mission this week to contact her to show here some work. More later....