All About Me and My Adventures, Trials, Tribulations & Travels ... Fine Art, Design, Photography and Lettering Arts
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Worked on this new concept of mine today, good thing I am giving myself some permission to make is fun....been filling the studio with lots of flowers, can't help it, have no idea what kind they are but got to have them...saw the gecko today too..climbing around on my walls...frozen fruit drinks in my blender, making notes on the celebration in July, too many ideas, another beauty of a day...pool was lovely, talked to John (resident from RI)..he is moving to Panama the end of month with his adopted dog, Archie...library here looks better than last year, cushions on the chairs now, books in order, newspapers to check out, books on Costa Rica, ...looking into traveling down to Osa, the southern part, Cocovado Park. It will take some planning with my peeps whether we go by bus or fly or rent a lots to think about here.
Getting comfortable in my home away from with Pat & Willy (residents) on Tuesday night...Bernarda made dinner on Friday night in my studio and we belly danced the night away with her daughter, Isabella teaching us with her bells jingling on her waist and the arms flying in the air, funny....Gaylord (poet) made chicken dinner for Vivian (artist) and I on tonight...really nice. Patricia coming Monday, no just heard Tuesday now, she wants to come down so bad, but her health puts her into a "status quo" be continued