the perfume is intoxicating and poisonous. Will be painting these
for sure while they are in bloom.
I am so glad it stopped raining, it is 81 degrees, just a gorgeous day, went to the "multiplaza" today with some people satyin here in the colony, Francisco took us in his huge silver pickup truck...I hat the way he drives. I have to close my eyes, the motorcycles, and people waiting to cross the street, small card darting from everywhere. Makes me sweat...or was it a hot flash?
Feeling like this is home away from home now after 5 years coming here. Drinking my papaya liquid lunch smoothie and eating ceviche...tonight Bernarda & Isabella are coming over for supper, we are making her "tica" dish of tomato soupa with avocados...and she has to check over a gift certificate I designed for her "massage" business, and then translate into Spanish.
I am settling in, art supplies are where they should be, I forgot a couple things, but will manage. Now I am waiting for the muse to take over...too much thinking. Makes me tired.
No madarin oranges yet on the tree near the pool, no bananas yet either on property that are ripe, place is full of people by the weekend, group dinner Monday night, bought beautiful orchid today for my studio, the ants have given up on crawling on my easel, after I dowsed with lysol three times, I put my string of lights on the wall in a xmas tree shape, looks is 3:30pm, and it is so still outside, no breeze...but pleasant and bright, energizing...ok