All About Me and My Adventures, Trials, Tribulations & Travels ... Fine Art, Design, Photography and Lettering Arts

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Catching Happiness

Awakening to the first morning sunshine, "pura vida". Great cup of java and the usual yogurt breakfast, writing morning journal, little construction going on here at colony fixing up things. I also had a visit from a gecko this morning as I openend my door to let the warm breeze in, I am sure it was a "welcome back" greeting. Lots of oranges ready to pick outside the door. And I am almost ready to paint this morning, got to move things around a bit here for comfort. Great night sleep with no hot flashes, go figure. mmmmm weird. Susan had a couple avacados waiting for me last night, my favorite fruit, and a rose on my table. Nice welcoming. Susan was here last year and another friend, Alison will be returning in a couple weeks that was here last year with us. I have not met all the new kids on the block yet. I met Josh, a writer, from Amhearst, MA, we watched the last half of Patriots game last night on ESPN in the "muse", community room. Now, really I must get to work, I mean play, I mean work, yea yea work. Art is work.

"Sometimes, our thoughts turn back toward a corner in a forest, or the end of a bank, or an orchard powdered with flowers, seen but a single time on some gay day, yet remaining in our hearts and leaving in soul and body an unappeased desire which is not to be forgotten, a feeling we have just rubbed elbows with happiness." Guy de Maupassant