photograph by Lorraine Bromley
I am in a bit of a slump, I think I need some spirit, so I am going to watch "The Polar Express", and listen to some caroles. mmm that ought to do it. I talked to my Dad, for tomorrow is his pacemaker implant. He has nine lives.
Colony here is having pot luck for tomorrow night xmas eve. And I will make of course, guess what? yes...focaccia and chicken. I have been puttering today, can't get focused on one thing. Trying and experimenting with collage and doing research on pacemakers and kidney stones. Weird day for me. Got to call Aja too. I also talked to Cal a couple times today, he need some rest.
Frank had some wonderful photographs printed up for a show he is having at some hotel in January, the photos are beautiful of Guatemalan children in their traditional dress, colorful, sweet, and capturing the innocence of their personalities, their feet crossed on top of each other and the playfulness of shyness.
Had my Spanish lesson today with Bernarda, she says I have progressed, but I feel like I struggling more than last year, been reading my vocabulary and understand better than I can speak this language. Bernarda took me to town on her way home so I could get some groceries and I started walking back and Franks wife picked me up, saved me from walking up that bitch of a hill. yahoooo, a ride!
Patricia didn't feel well tonight, I checked on her, she is ok.
70 degrees tonight. Those little buggers of ants are still torturing me, the Clorox helps for a limited time, smells like a hospital until I get the eucalyptus incense burning.