11 x 30 watercolor by Lorraine Bromley
Patrica & I went exploring the area of Cuidad Colon for our next painting location, we have been painting mostly on the grounds here at the colony, however we think it is to our best interest if we go off property this week, pending RISD group and 14 RISD students. Carlos took us to a couple spots near the canyon and then we needed more time to explore area, Carlos did not have more time so we opted to call our favorite taxi cab driver, Rigo. He of course knows the area, took us down to the bottom of canyon to the raging river, but not a good spot to paint, too far and we need to take about four hours to paint in an area, but what an adventure, it was a beautiful ride, through the jungle, very dry and dusty though. So the last place we saw, close to the colony (5 minutes) was the right place to go back to today for the morning to paint. Fransico had plans in the morning with students, Carlos had the day off and we were going to ask Rigo back to take us to the canyon again today, but guess what there was Carlos's old jalopy truck just sitting there, so I asked if I could drive it to our destination, Fransico said yes, so we piled up in the el carro and coasted down to the canyon spot, had a very productive day there. The painting I did kept going from, "I hate this" to "mmm it's coming along" to "this is a stupid painting" to " I think I like it now" to "what am I doing here". Propably will go back tomorrow, don't know how we will get there yet, but will figure it out then, I will start another one, because this one is done, until I look at it another time this week and say, "it needs something else". The life of an artist, I am exhausted just telling you about it. nite.