This is a picture of some really old postcards attached as wallpaper in a restaurant we went into last night. So cool! We ordered one thing and got another. No english on menu, we had to call a friend on the cell phone to order for us and still they got it wrong, that is the way it is here, you think one thing going to happen and yet another...happens.
You know some things in this country do not make any sense like putting all kinds of pastries for dessert on the menu, five pages worth and then having none of them to offer to customers. Just to tease me...I did find the most delicious little cream puffs at the market, thank God, I might turn into one! Now take the pillow cases, they go on the long way here, that makes perfect sense to me, why don't we do that in the states? They are so hard to put on aren't they? We do stupid things sometimes.
Found a really tiny art supply store yesterday. I would not have found it if Vlad did not tell us about it. He walked us over to it, behind some larger buildings, in a courtyard, hole in the wall place, I bought a tool to draw/paint/letter with, it is made of blown glass and has a large well. Anyway, will play with it, it cost 1.30.